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You should learn reverse engineering
could you help me do it if i pay you for your time also what books do u recommend for me to learn reverse engineering i spend 17 hours a day on laptop trying to figure it out and ive only been trying it for past 5 days
If you want e books reverse engineering, you can access here https://forum.seccodeid.com/d/reverse-engering-guides detail and more
bs in indonesian bisa
bs in english can
Conclusion bs mean can, sorry hehe
If you have tried changing the metadata, header signature then encodes it. do not occasionally send or scan in virus total site and etc, but why ? because it will benefit them, your file will be analyzed and then detected by the AV Cmiw
Freelance | Student
You can use this tools https://github.com/Screetsec/TheFatRat, or you can change the file signature
hi i tried thefatrat and its being detected how do i change the signature im still quite a newbie i been doing it for the past 5 days spending almost 17 hours a day on my laptop
Maybe, the signature of the tool is already entered in the antivirus database. therefore he is detected by the antivirus
Im learning too, and i have a reference. You can change dynamic to static, you can header, metadata, encode your code
So if you talk about FUD, it can be done with various techniques, you can change the header, metadata, encode, etc. So why can bypass AV, the way av works in general, he will compare it with their database, with a certain level of similarity a file will be detected. So even though the mas, for example, is only for program A, but in it (can be a signature file, metadata or whatever) certain code in db av will also be detected by the mas program. In order to escape then what? Yes, there are various techniques ...
Sorry bad English 😅
Mas its mean = bro 🙏🏻
If you want to bypass AV, you can encode the program, If you want to be more powerful, you have to understand the ins and outs of the target OS, I assume Windows, if you understand the Windows Registry then you can make this malware powerful, for example you can stop the task manager, hide file processes while running, make the program becomes difficult to remove
But, how to setting the programs like this ? I dont know hide process programm when running